April 21-25 Free Nitrate Testing for Water Samples
You should have your well water tested once per year for nitrate to ensure your well water remains safe (see schedule on the right side of this page for other contaminants).
Bring in your water samples to our office April 21-25 for FREE nitrate testing! Please contact us for more details or any questions.
Nitrate Fast Facts
Health Effects of Nitrogen
- miscarriage
- thyroid disorders
- blue baby syndrome
- birth defects
- nitrite-induced methemoglobinemia
- sheep, cattle, and young animals are also susceptible to nitrate poisoning
Sources of Nitrate in our Groundwater
- fertilizer
- manure
- wastewater application
- septic systems
- decaying organic matter
- natural occurrence in environment
When are Nitrate Levels Considered High?
- 10ppm or above
How Can I Treat My Well Water to Reduce Nitrate Levels?
- reverse osmosis
- distillation
- ion exchange